Yes June! Time for sun, fun and road trips we like to believe are vacations. But before we plan anything we gotta take care of the person who’s usually the capitaine of the family road trip and of keeping the puns a flowing. Yes Dad. Father’s Day is just a few days away. If you haven’t had time to even think about what your littles will get DAD but want the kids to make it special, not to worry we’ve got you! We designed a fun a printable card that will keep those little fingers occupied and have Daddy catching all the feels… introducing.. THE SUPER DAD card.
Print, fold on the dotted lines and color. The kids can get creative and we bet he’ll love the extra touches and special message inside.
P.S. Need some more tips for how to make the whole day special? It’s all in the details and these will make his love tank full and won’t be too hard to pull off:
Remember making Coupon Passes for things at home? You could create one for anything you think Dad would love. Take some paper and write out what your gift will be: i.e. A Get out of dishes pass. 10min foot massage. Control over the remote for 2Hrs. Choose one or a few… it’s up to you if you want to include an expiration date. Here’s one idea perfect for Father’s Day:
1 Hour of Peace & Quiet on the couch. No disturbing Dad Periodt.
Give Dad some Good Food. Men are pretty simple. Ever hear the way to a man’s heart is through this stomach? Well there is a lot of truth in that statement. Make Dad a hearty breakfast, maybe include something you know he loves, like French toast, thick cut brown sugar bacon or eggs made a special way.
Have all his favorite things around the house. Do the shopping before hand, grab some of his favorite things to eat and drink, and have them available in the kitchen or even hide them in places you know he’ll find around the house.
Enjoy Quality Time in
Laugh over a family game day.
Catch up over Dad’s favorite sports games on TV.
Have a summertime BBQ and dinner in the yard/patio.
Bond over soe popcorn and Kevin Hart’s new movie FATHERHOOD on Netflix.
Enjoy Quality time out
If weather permits and you feel up to it and going out is what Dad wants, do it. Understandable if being out od the house is af the top of his list. Just make it his choice. Think Yes Day for Dad! A day where you just say Yes to everything Dad wants to do. Chances are at top of the list… just spending time with those that he loves.
Keep this in mind when making your plans: DAD just wants to be DAD on Father’s Day, just a more relaxed, chill version of himself. He wants above all to spend it with those that made him who he is, a D-A-D. So the best way to celebrate is by being with him.
Get any ideas from this list or did something fun for Dad you want to tell us about. Comment below, we’d love to hear from you. Share your Super Dad Card by tagging us on social @mrbsbabybumper